Since the 70s the pharmaceutical sector has been a sector characterized by stable growth that investors have considered a safe haven in the event of financial turmoil.
Today we are witnessing a profound transformation of this sector with global mergers and acquisitions for hundreds of billions of dollars that will result in winners and losers.
The United States, together with the leading European countries and rapidly developing countries are preparing for a future that will depend heavily on the economic growth of the pharmaceutical sector and life sciences. These countries therefore invest in research and development, improve innovation, protect their intellectual property and financial environment, enhance professional relationships between government, universities, patient organizations and the private sector.
In the future, the demand for better healthcare services will increase as a result of an aging population that wants to fight disease and improve quality of life. Inevitably health costs will rise and reducing the rate of this increase will be essential, which could lead in turn to a renaissance of the pharmaceutical industry. Recent studies have shown that, spending money on drugs can save money by avoiding other healthcare costs. In fact: one dollar spent in medicine translates into saving 6.2 dollars in healthcare expenditure, playing a vital role in improving healthcare efficiency.
The main objective of SELECTRA Investments Sicav – J. Lamarck Pharma is to profit from a rise in stock prices in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. The model portfolio consists of mature pharmaceutical corporations and innovative companies with pipelines of products in development in one or several markets. The investment policy will allow the fund to increase total return through an active stock selection of companies that offer the most promising technology platforms.
To achieve this investment objective long only positions are taken in stock issued mainly in developed markets. In order to reduce the overall risk, the fund does not use derivatives (such as futures on single stocks, index futures, warrants or options) to achieve the investment objective.
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